Strathbrock Partnership Centre, Broxburn
Provision of Car Parking Facilities
Client: West Lothian Council Property Services
Tender Value: £182,000
Programme: Ongoing
The Works comprised the alteration and extension of the existing car park at
this busy Health Centre in Broxburn, West Lothian. The building is a multi
functional facility, providing healthcare and community resources for the town,
and as such extensive traffic management was required in order to maintain
optimum car parking spaces to accommodate the extremely heavy usage. The
inadequate design of the car park had resulted in heavy congestion through an
under-allocation of spaces. Extensive Client liaison took place with regards the
phasing of the works to facilitate as little disruption to the use of the car
park as possible.
Our works included increasing the car packing provision by 50%, altering the
existing entrance, forming a new entrance, removing the existing islands,
forming a turning circle and drop off areas, signage, alterations to the
existing footpaths, regrading, road surfacing, white lining and drainage