Dedridge Baptist Church, Livingston
Client: Dedridge Baptist Church Congregation
Contract Value: £188,500.00
Programme: 28 Weeks
The works comprised the erection of a two storey extension to the existing
Church building, including all associated drainage and internal works. As the
Church is a publicly funded organisation and the congregation made an
application to the Baptist Union for a loan, the funds used were auditable and
as such Ritchie Brothers worked closely with the Church to ensure the audit
process was successful.
The construction of the foundations and the erection of the timber kit and
steel supporting structure was successfully co-ordinated using a number of
different trades and close contact with the engineer was required, as the
foundations required various levels of excavation to account for the sloping
site. A large retaining wall was constructed as Dedridge West Road lies almost
at first floor level of the new extension.
